Removal of Fluoride In Brackish Drinking Water From Senegal By Using KSF And K10 Montmorillonite Clays

International Journal of Applied Chemistry |
© 2020 by SSRG - IJAC Journal |
Volume 7 Issue 3 |
Year of Publication : 2020 |
Authors : Mouhamadou A. Diallo, Saidou N. Diop, Mohamad M. Diémé, Courfiia K. Diawara |
How to Cite?
Mouhamadou A. Diallo, Saidou N. Diop, Mohamad M. Diémé, Courfiia K. Diawara, "Removal of Fluoride In Brackish Drinking Water From Senegal By Using KSF And K10 Montmorillonite Clays," SSRG International Journal of Applied Chemistry, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 65-70, 2020. Crossref,
Access to safe drinking water is a major challenge for many countries globally for the twenty-first century. In fact, with water crisis issues, the development of research activities for local materials efficiency in improving water quality should be a priority in scientific research, technology, and innovation. Every year, over one million people died or suffered from diseases related to drinking water quality. In Senegal, most people living in the groundnut basin (center and west of Senegal) consume water containing high fluoride and salt levels. They are then exposed to serious health problems such as dental and/or skeletal fluorosis. Therefore, it becomes necessary to remove the excess of fluoride ions from drinking water to prevent health problems.
For this, two types of commercial clays named montmorillonite K-10 (250 m2/g) and montmorillonite KSF (30 m2/g) were tested.
In this work, we proposed to carry out two methods of filtration: the dynamic method (filtration with agitation) and the static one (filtration with a column) to study their influence on the efficiency of fluoride ions removal.
In dynamic filtration, 1 g of clay and 100 mL of water sample containing a concentration level of 3.70 mg/L were introduced into a beaker and stirred for 1 hour at 150 rpm by using a magnetic stirrer. Results obtained show fluoride retention rates varied between 74% and 84% for montmorillonite KSF and 26% to 52% for montmorillonite K-10.
In static filtration, 1 g of clay is put into a column equipped with a tap, and then 100 mL of the sample passes through the clay at a flow rate of 100 mL/h. This method results show fluoride retention rates varying between 49 to 67% for montmorillonite KSF and 30% for montmorillonite K-10.
Fluoride, montmorillonite KSF, montmorillonite K-10.
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