Biosorption of a Carcinogenic Dye Methyl Orange by Pinus Gerardiana Nuts Shells, Manilkara Zapota Seed Shells, Arachis Hypogaea Nuts Shells and Other Nuts Shells from Its Aqueous Solution

International Journal of Applied Chemistry |
© 2018 by SSRG - IJAC Journal |
Volume 5 Issue 3 |
Year of Publication : 2018 |
Authors : Hafeeza Shamoona |
How to Cite?
Hafeeza Shamoona, "Biosorption of a Carcinogenic Dye Methyl Orange by Pinus Gerardiana Nuts Shells, Manilkara Zapota Seed Shells, Arachis Hypogaea Nuts Shells and Other Nuts Shells from Its Aqueous Solution," SSRG International Journal of Applied Chemistry, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 15-17, 2018. Crossref,
Methyl orange is an anionic dye . In this study the adsorption characteristics of nuts shells for the removal of methyl orange dye from its aqueous solution is studied. The nuts shells used as biosorbents in this study are Pinus gerardiana(Chilgoza) shells , Manilkara zapota(Chickoo) seed shells , Arachis hypogaea (Peanut) shells , Juglans regia(walnut) shells , Prunus armeniaca (Apricot) shells ,Pistacia vera(Pistachios) shells. Time for adsorption, Dosage of adsorption and comparison of adsorption capacity of the biosorbents is also studied. The Freundlich and Langmuir adsorption isotherms have been verified by the experimental data.
Methyl orange, Adsorption, Adsorption isotherms, Biosorbents, Nuts shells
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