Effect of Potassium on Quality and Yield of Potato tubers – A Review

International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science
© 2016 by SSRG - IJAES Journal
Volume 3 Issue 6
Year of Publication : 2016
Authors : Bishwoyog Bhattarai, Swarnima K.C.
How to Cite?

Bishwoyog Bhattarai, Swarnima K.C., "Effect of Potassium on Quality and Yield of Potato tubers – A Review," SSRG International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science, vol. 3,  no. 6, pp. 7-12, 2016. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23942568/IJAES-V3I6P103


Potassium (K) aids in maintaining osmotic potential which enhances water uptake and root permeability, control ionic balances, regulate plant stomata and activate enzymatic processes. Potassium (K) plays significant role in quality as well as yield attributes of potato such as reducing sugar, Vitamin C content, specific gravity, shelf life and total yield. K application has found to increase reducing sugar content in potato tubers to threshold level and tends to decrease after that. The reason behind this is conversion of sugar to starch at high rate of K application. Vitamin C content is found to increase at moderate level of K application and tends to decrease in high concentration. Among the different sources of K, use of Muriate of Potash (MOP) is found better than Sulphate of Potash (SOP) for increasing Vitamin C content. Specific gravity and dry matter content are found to decrease with higher dose of K application. K lowers down senescence and reduces physiological disorders, increasing shelf life in potato tubers. Potassium Chloride (KCl) is more effective in reducing the incidence of physiological disorders during postharvest compared to other source of K. K application plays significant role in increasing yield of potato tubers which is either due to formation of large sized tubers or increasing number of tubers per plants or both by helping in accumulation of carbohydrate. There is low replenish and high loss of Potassium by leaching in soil and shows widespread deficiency in intensively potato growing areas. Therefore, careful attention should be given in Potassium fertilization to maximize the quality and yield of potato tuber.


Potassium, Potato, Reducing Sugar, Specific gravity, Vitamin C, Yield.


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