Comparative Study of Properties of Tulasi (OcimumSanctum) by using Various Plant Nutrients

International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science |
© 2017 by SSRG - IJAES Journal |
Volume 4 Issue 1 |
Year of Publication : 2017 |
Authors : Dr. SachinKulkarni, Dr. Mrs. Madhuri Bhide, Dr. Savita S. Nilakhe |
How to Cite?
Dr. SachinKulkarni, Dr. Mrs. Madhuri Bhide, Dr. Savita S. Nilakhe, "Comparative Study of Properties of Tulasi (OcimumSanctum) by using Various Plant Nutrients," SSRG International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 29-33, 2017. Crossref,
‘Vrikshayurved’- ancient Indian Sanskrit text has large variety of innovative practices regarding plantnutrient methods.1 Cow-milk is the best rejuvenating & easily endurable nutritive substance for mankind and plant. KrishnaTulasi(Ocimum sanctum) is one of the important medicinal plants used in various respiratory disorders such as bronchial asthma. Four Groups comprising 6 saplings of Tulasi in each Groupwere formed according to type of nourishment. Group-A was nourished with water (250 ml). Group- B nourished with Cow-milk (10 ml), Group-C nourished with Cow-ghee (2 ml) and Group-D nourished with Cow-milk - 10ml + Cow-ghee 2 ml daily. This experiment was done up to efflorescing of Ocimum sanctum which was observed after 45 days. The plant gets nourishment in its own digestible manner from soil nutrient. The test of soil reveled increase in amount of phosphorus which is directly responsible for photosynthesis. Leaf extract was examined to study changes in its chemical component‘Eugenol’ with help of HPLC method. The organoleptic examination revealed that the plant nourished with milk had best growth in height, no. of leaves and luster compared to other Groups. The result showsEugenol content in GroupB is 0.00513 mg/100g and that of in GroupA is 0.0047 mg/100g.
Eugenol, Tulasi, Ocimum sanctum, Cow Milk, Cow Ghee
1. Vrikshayurveda of Surpala, Prof. GyanendraPande, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, Varanasi, 1st Edition, ISBN- 978-81-7080- 337-9, 2010.
2. Bhavprakash By Bhavamishra, Vol. 1, Brhamashankar Mishra, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, 8th Edition, Pg. 509.
3. Vrikshaayurveda, Kal- Aaj - Udya by S.P. Dikshit, Continental Publication, Pune, 2007, Pg. No.46.
4. F. Inam, S. Deo,N. Narkhede (2014). “HPLC–UV Method Development and Quantification of Eugenol from Methanolic Extracts of Some Spices.”International Journal of Chemical and Physical Sciences.Vol. 3, No. 6, pp.96-102.