Study of the Probabilistic Decadal Rainfall Regimes in the Agro-Pastoral Zone of Cotton Production

International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science
© 2022 by SSRG - IJAES Journal
Volume 9 Issue 1
Year of Publication : 2022
Authors : Sabaï Katé, Castro G. Hounmenou, D.D.S.M. Déguénon, Brice Sinsin
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Sabaï Katé, Castro G. Hounmenou, D.D.S.M. Déguénon, Brice Sinsin, "Study of the Probabilistic Decadal Rainfall Regimes in the Agro-Pastoral Zone of Cotton Production," SSRG International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science, vol. 9,  no. 1, pp. 12-18, 2022. Crossref,


The study of probabilistic regimes of decadal rainfall in Banikoara commune revealed the existence of stochastic dependence, which was analyzed on the basis of Markov chains applied to two sub-periods (1971-1990) compared to (1991-2010). The results revealed (i) low rainfall variability characterized by a 5% increase in rainfall heights from the first sub-period to the second, a weak distribution of rainfall heights in the two sub-periods, and a lengthening of the wet period by 6 more decades from 1921 to 1973, (ii) the marginal probability of dry decades (58%) is higher than the marginal probability of wet decades (42%) for both sub-periods, leading to a succession of dry states from the first sub-period to the second, without lengthening the dry period; (iii) the drought is recurrent for two or even three decades in a row (93%); the probability of having one wet decade after another wet decade and the probability of having a wet decade after two successive wet decades are high, i.e. 95%; the probability of transition from one dry to another wet decade (6%) and the probability of the opposite transition (4%) are both low. In addition, there is a lengthening of the wet period, a weak distribution of rainfall heights and an alternation of deficit, average and surplus years that are modified by the annual rainfall regime. This expression of climate change is not without consequences on agricultural activities in agro-pastoral zones, particularly on agricultural calendars, sowing periods and therefore on agricultural yields. Thus, it is important to conduct research in relation to the integration of climate change adaptation measures and to develop new agricultural calendars for the use of farmers so that optimal sowing periods for the crops being developed can be determined.


Probabilistic regimes, Decadal rains, Markov chain, Dry decades, Agro-pastoral zone.


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