On Discovered Unusual Effect Taking Place during Quenching in Polymer Solutions

International Journal of Applied Physics
© 2021 by SSRG - IJAP Journal
Volume 8 Issue 1
Year of Publication : 2021
Authors : Nikolai I. Kobasko

How to Cite?

Nikolai I. Kobasko, "On Discovered Unusual Effect Taking Place during Quenching in Polymer Solutions," SSRG International Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 8,  no. 1, pp. 25-31, 2021. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23500301/IJAP-V8I1P104


In the paper, the unusual effect is considered and explained based on the existing self–regulated thermal process taking place on the insulated metal surface and the thickness of the insulating layer varying during quenching. The discovered effect consists in forming a “shoulder” on the metal surface cooling curve, which in many cases is above the martensite start temperature Ms. Such effect lasts relatively a lond time and slightly varies versus time. The discovered effect can be successfully used for performing an original austempering process via cold liquids, which was for the first time patented in Ukraine. The new technology, when implemented, saves energy, makes the process less costly, and is environmentally green.


Polymer, cold liquids


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