Problems Faced by the Primary School Teachers in Viluppuram Educational District – A Study

International Journal of Economics and Management Studies
© 2017 by SSRG - IJEMS Journal
Volume 4 Issue 4
Year of Publication : 2017
Authors : A. Antonyraj, Dr. K.Chinnappan
How to Cite?

A. Antonyraj, Dr. K.Chinnappan, "Problems Faced by the Primary School Teachers in Viluppuram Educational District – A Study," SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, vol. 4,  no. 4, pp. 63-68, 2017. Crossref,


 Education is a powerful instrument to bring out desired change in individual as well as in the society. Teachers are said to be the builders of nation. In order to be successful in teaching profession, one needs to love the profession and perform it willingly. Education should bring radical changes in human life, attitude and behavior. Children should be empowered to be global citizens with intellectual, scientific, social, cultural and human outlook. Education is not to cater to intellectual illumination alone.


In order to be successful in teaching profession, one needs to love the profession and perform it willingly.


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