Avicenna, the Genuine Author of al-Nabḍ and the Highlights of his Life

International Journal of Economics and Management Studies
© 2019 by SSRG - IJEMS Journal
Volume 6 Issue 8
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors : Mahmoud Abbasi, Nasser Pouyan
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Mahmoud Abbasi, Nasser Pouyan, "Avicenna, the Genuine Author of al-Nabḍ and the Highlights of his Life," SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, vol. 6,  no. 8, pp. 241-255, 2019. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23939125/IJEMS-V6I8P126


In Islamic civilization, during the Arabic language domination, throughout Islamic territories, four medical writers emerged who wrote in their own vernacular language. They were: Ḥakīm Maysarī (born: c. 935 AD/ 324 AH) composed Dānishnāma (an encyclopedia of medical poems) in 980 AD/370 AH; Abū Manṣūr Muvaffaq Hirawī (c. 10th and 11th century AD/4th and 5th AH) wrote “Kitāb al-Abnīya an Ḥaqāyeq al-Adviya” in 1055 AD/ 447 AH; and Rabī ibn Ahmad Akhawaynī Bukhārī who authored Hidāyat al-Mut-„llimīn in 10th century AD and Avicenna (980-1037 AD/ 370-429 AH) authored “On the Science of Pulse” (Risāla-i Fīal-Nabḍ) at the request of governor of Isfahān, „alā‟al—Dowla Abū Ja„far Muḥammad (d. 1041 AD/ 433 AH) Sayyīda Shīrīn‟s cousin. Ac-cording to the authentic references and sources, it is the real medical work of Avicenna.
Al-Nabḍ (On the Science of Pulse; Andar Dānish-i Rag; (Risāla-i Fī al-Nabḍ)) is masterly arranged into nine chap-ters. The first three of them affords a common view of the functions of the human body, a prologue to the main sub-ject, to say, the study of pulse. The following three chapters argue with the pulse itself. The chapters seven and eight, summarize the ideas regarding the pulse from his famous medical work “The Canon of Medicine.” Chapter nine of Risāla-i Fī al-Nabḍ (On the Science of Pulse) closes the book with complementary remarks on the relevant in the Canon of Medicine. Avicenna, called the prince of physicians wrote many medical and philosophical texts, among them “the Canon of Medicine”, Kītab al-Shifa (The Book of Healing), “On the Science of Pulse” (al-Nabḍ) are distinguished. Al-though Edward G. Browne (1862-1926) English orientalist and many other researchers consider al-Nabḍ to be a genuine work of Avicenna, some of them suggest that the authorship of this medical work would be more ascribed either to Abū „Alī bin Muskūya or Abū „Alī Mandūya. In this verification, we have proved that al-Nabḍ is the real medical work of Avicenna. This article includes an abstract, an introduction, the body including Avicenna‟s life highlights and a conclusion.


Al-Nabḍ (Andar Dānish-i Rag, Risāla-i Fī al-Nabḍ), Avicenna, Muskūya, Mandūya, Sayyīda, „Alā‟al-Dowla, Hamadān, Isfahan.


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