The Comparation of Entrepreneurship Efficiency Level Between Pelaihari District and Bajuin District by DEA Solver Method

International Journal of Economics and Management Studies
© 2020 by SSRG - IJEMS Journal
Volume 7 Issue 1
Year of Publication : 2020
Authors : Rina Pebriana , Radna Nurmalina , Eni Suasri
How to Cite?

Rina Pebriana , Radna Nurmalina , Eni Suasri, "The Comparation of Entrepreneurship Efficiency Level Between Pelaihari District and Bajuin District by DEA Solver Method," SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, vol. 7,  no. 1, pp. 66-68, 2020. Crossref,


This research defined and compared entrepreneurship efficiency levels between two districts, particularly in the chips industry, by using DEA Solver Method. The result showed that the more companies were focused on labor, the more efficient they were received. This method could also be concluded that labor was the best criterion to define the efficiency level because all other criteria were focused on the benefit, not based on cost. As a result, the Bajuin district was more efficient (two companies in top rank) than the Pelaihari district (only one in top rank). By analyzing the efficiency level through DEA Solver Method, this research was able to be a role model due to the increased district's income in particular and regency's income in general.


entrepreneurship, efficiency, agroindustry, DEA Solver


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