Microfinance Involvement and Enabling of Women Entrepreneur in Kilinochchi District and Comparison Study with Jaffna District

International Journal of Economics and Management Studies |
© 2020 by SSRG - IJEMS Journal |
Volume 7 Issue 1 |
Year of Publication : 2020 |
Authors : T. Ramajeyam , L.Sooriyakumaran , T.L.Vannarajah |
How to Cite?
T. Ramajeyam , L.Sooriyakumaran , T.L.Vannarajah, "Microfinance Involvement and Enabling of Women Entrepreneur in Kilinochchi District and Comparison Study with Jaffna District," SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 113-117, 2020. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23939125/IJEMS-V7I1P115
In recent times, empowering women's entrepreneurship through microfinance is one of the main issues in Sri Lanka. The entrepreneurship of women in Northern Province contributes to the socio-economic development of their families as well as the country. However, most readings focused on the outreach and sustainability of microfinance institutions, and only little focus was found on the effect of microfinance involvement and enabling on women entrepreneurs’ performance in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka. The prime objective of this study is to examine women's empowerment through the involvement and enabling of the micro finance institution of Sanasa Development Bank PLC (SDB PLC) in Kilinochchi. Data were derived from a questionnaire survey of a sample of 85 widow women in the Kandawalai and Karaichchi area of Kilinochchi district who has to utilize the SDB PLC. The data have been collected 80 out of 85 regarding microcredit, savings, and training. The correlation and ANOVA tests have been used to analyze the data to find out the relationship and significant differences using the SPSS software package. The study recognizes that there is a significant relationship between savings and training except for microcredit with the empowerment of women. However, most of the widow women of Kilinochchi district could not utilize the micro-credit finance to initiate the business activities to achieve financial empowerment in their life due to the burden of day to day expenses compared with the Jaffna district.
Microcredit, Saving, Training, and Empowerment of Women.
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