The Effect of Celebrity Endorsement and Trust on Purchasing Decisions

International Journal of Economics and Management Studies
© 2020 by SSRG - IJEMS Journal
Volume 7 Issue 3
Year of Publication : 2020
Authors : Suharto, Durotun Nasikah
How to Cite?

Suharto, Durotun Nasikah, "The Effect of Celebrity Endorsement and Trust on Purchasing Decisions," SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, vol. 7,  no. 3, pp. 69-73, 2020. Crossref,


This study discusses purchasing decisions for e-commerce users of electronic products. The data collection method used a questionnaire distributed to 100 consumers and analyzed using the Lisrel SEM program. Research findings show that companies that involve celebrities in advertising can provide information about products and can attract consumers, and provide positive perceptions about the product, and ultimately can increase trust in the product. Involving a celebrity in advertising can attract consumers to make a purchase. Consumer confidence in the company can meet the needs and desires of consumers so that it can lead to a decision to buy the products offered. This research was conducted in the context of Indonesia. However, the findings of this study have the opportunity to be generalized to private organizations in other countries.


Celebrity endorsement, trust, and purchasing decisions.


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