Analysis of Competitive Advantages of SMEs In The Global Market
International Journal of Economics and Management Studies |
© 2020 by SSRG - IJEMS Journal |
Volume 7 Issue 5 |
Year of Publication : 2020 |
Authors : Wulan Murni Sulianti |
How to Cite?
Wulan Murni Sulianti, "Analysis of Competitive Advantages of SMEs In The Global Market," SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 12-16, 2020. Crossref,
The existence of SMEs is proven to provide employment and is able to survive and become an economic driver, especially after the economic crisis. On the other hand, SMEs also face many problems, namely limited working capital, low human resources, and inadequate mastery of science and technology, so they lack competitiveness. Method This study uses a descriptive exploratory approach by analyzing the competitive advantage of SMEs in facing the global market. This scientific work was developed using a literature review approach or study of Putaka. The theory/concept approach is carried out by referring to several sources, such as books and scientific journals. The results of this study indicate that the key to success in being able to survive in the midst of competition lies in the company's ability to build a competitive advantage. Entrepreneurial orientation can be a corporate strategy in building competitive advantages such as the desire to achieve goals (need for achievement), business confidence in success (internal locus of control), self-confidence (self-reliance), innovation (innovative), risk-taking. Innovations to build competitive advantage include product innovation, process innovation, and marketing innovation.
SME, Resources Based View and competitive advantage.
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