A New Frame of Transaction Capacity for Exchange of Knowledge Goods

International Journal of Economics and Management Studies
© 2020 by SSRG - IJEMS Journal
Volume 7 Issue 6
Year of Publication : 2020
Authors : Xiugang Yang
How to Cite?

Xiugang Yang, "A New Frame of Transaction Capacity for Exchange of Knowledge Goods," SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, vol. 7,  no. 6, pp. 12-21, 2020. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23939125/IJEMS-V7I6P102


By panel date from year report 2009 to 2017 of 40 economies, this paper builds a new analysis frame of transaction capacity of exchange knowledge goods to analyze the role of knowledge transaction played in transaction capacity of firms. We find that though business sophistication promoted the transaction capacity, knowledge goods and the intellectual transaction didn’t play a deserved active role in transaction capacity through both technological readiness and business sophistication timely because technological and political barriers exist,  yet technological readiness is negative correlative with transaction capacity because there is the asynchronous effect between technological readiness and transaction capacity, firm and government should take responsibility to uplift the transaction capacity of firms by broken technological and political barriers.


Charges for intellectual property, technological readiness, business sophistication, transaction capacity of the firm.


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