The Effect of Entrepreneurial Creativity and Innovation Determination on SME Entrepreneurship Performance in Semarang

International Journal of Economics and Management Studies |
© 2020 by SSRG - IJEMS Journal |
Volume 7 Issue 7 |
Year of Publication : 2020 |
Authors : Janti Soegiastuti, Muchayatin |
How to Cite?
Janti Soegiastuti, Muchayatin, "The Effect of Entrepreneurial Creativity and Innovation Determination on SME Entrepreneurship Performance in Semarang," SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, vol. 7, no. 7, pp. 18-22, 2020. Crossref,
This study aims to analyze the influence of entrepreneurship creativity and innovation on the performance of small and medium enterprises in Semarang city. The population of this study is micro, small, and medium-scale manufacturing entrepreneurs (MSMEs) in the field of food and beverages in Semarang City; with a sampling technique using proportional random sampling, the research sample was 99 entrepreneurs. Data was collected through questionnaires and clouds (primary data), documentation owned by the Office of Cooperatives, and Semarang City Trade Office (secondary data). Data analysis uses multiple linear regression. The results of the partial analysis show that the creativity of SMEs in Semarang city, on average, falls into good criteria. This is indicated by the respondents' perception by giving the highest value on the motivation indicator and the ability indicator giving the lowest value. So that creativity has a significant negative effect on entrepreneurial performance with a negative effect on the direction. The SME entrepreneurship innovations in Semarang city, on average, fit into the good criteria. This is indicated by the perception of respondents by giving the highest value to the organizational indicators and the logistic indicators giving the lowest values. Innovation has a significant effect on business performance in a positive direction
creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship performance.
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