The impact of personality on transfer of training through motivation: A Longitudinal Model

International Journal of Economics and Management Studies
© 2016 by SSRG - IJEMS Journal
Volume 3 Issue 7
Year of Publication : 2016
Authors : Imran Khan, Dr. Nazir A. Nazir
How to Cite?

Imran Khan, Dr. Nazir A. Nazir, "The impact of personality on transfer of training through motivation: A Longitudinal Model," SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, vol. 3,  no. 7, pp. 1-12, 2016. Crossref,


Amidst the researchers acknowledgement that learning is a key process that leads to successful innovations i.e., organization‟s competitive advantage, learning in organizations has been related with generation of knowledge and its demonstration by individuals collectively for creating new value for the organization. Moreover, researchers of late have started recognizing the impact of individual characteristics as a means of study for understanding its usefulness in the effective application/transfer of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities for gaining the desired competitive advantage through the process of learning. In an effort to ascertain the effect of personality characteristics on transfer of learning through motivation to learn therefore, a longitudinal study was undertaken on a sample of 517 teacher trainees serving the state of J&K. The results indicated that neither personality traits (conscientiousness, openness to experience, internal locus of control) nor motivation facet (motivation to learn) predicted transfer of training directly as well as indirectly. The insignificant relationship between trait input variable and state outcome variables helped to ascertain that during and after human resource development intervention the implications of time factor attains much more importance in revealing when training works. The implications of the results are discussed and the limitations of the study are noted, along with suggested avenues for future research.


Personality, Motivation, Training Transfer.


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