Website Quality Affects Online Impulse Buying Behavior (OIBB): Moderating Effects of Sales Promotion and Digital Wallet Use (A Study on Tokopedia E-Commerce)
International Journal of Economics and Management Studies |
© 2020 by SSRG - IJEMS Journal |
Volume 7 Issue 12 |
Year of Publication : 2020 |
Authors : Nyoman Sri Handayani, Ketut Rahyuda |
How to Cite?
Nyoman Sri Handayani, Ketut Rahyuda, "Website Quality Affects Online Impulse Buying Behavior (OIBB): Moderating Effects of Sales Promotion and Digital Wallet Use (A Study on Tokopedia E-Commerce)," SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, vol. 7, no. 12, pp. 16-24, 2020. Crossref,
This study aims to analyze the website quality effect on OIBB, along with the moderating effect of the sales promotions and digital wallet use on Tokopedia ecommerce. The population of this research is consumers who make purchases impulsively through the Tokopedia website within the last one month. The sample size was 150 residents living in Denpasar with a purposive sampling method and was distributed using a questionnaire, with criteria that had been adjusted through Google Form. Moderated regression analysis will be used as a data analysis technique. The results showed that website quality, sales promotion, and digital wallet use had an effect on OIBB simultaneously. Sales promotion does not have a significant effect on OIBB partially, meanwhile on other factors, there are positive and significant effects. Sales promotion and digital wallet use are also able to moderate and strengthen the relationship between website quality and OIBB.
Website Quality, Sales Promotion, Digital Wallet Use, Online Impulse Buying Behaviour.
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