Analysis of Factors in the Effect on Acceptance of Accounting Information System Acceptances at Denpasar City LPD (Village Credit Institution)
International Journal of Economics and Management Studies |
© 2021 by SSRG - IJEMS Journal |
Volume 8 Issue 7 |
Year of Publication : 2021 |
Authors : Putu Arinda Putriana, I Dewa Nyoman Wiratmaja |
How to Cite?
Putu Arinda Putriana, I Dewa Nyoman Wiratmaja, "Analysis of Factors in the Effect on Acceptance of Accounting Information System Acceptances at Denpasar City LPD (Village Credit Institution)," SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, vol. 8, no. 7, pp. 99-105, 2021. Crossref,
The purpose of this study was to obtain empirical evidence of the effect of perceived usefulness, ease of use, task suitability, technical ability on the acceptance of accounting information systems. The research was conducted at the LPD (Village Credit Institution1) in Denpasar City2. The sample of this study was 105 respondents with a purposive sampling method of determining the sample. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires. The type of data used in this study is quantitative data which is measured using a 5-point Likert scale. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression. The results of this study indicate that the influence of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, task suitability, technical ability affect the acceptance of accounting information systems. The results of this study can provide an overview of the acceptance of the accounting information system at the LPD (Village Credit Institution). For the LPD (Village Credit Institution) in Denpasar City, the results of this study can provide information about the factors that affect the acceptance of the Accounting Information System so that in the future, it can create better management of the LPD (Village Credit Institution) supported by the use of a more optimal Accounting Information System so that it can help achieve organizational goals.
Perception of Usability, Ease of Use, Suitability of Tasks, Technical Ability, Accounting Information Systems
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