The Contribution of Entrepreneurial Culture on Corporate Performance in the Banking Sector in Zimbabwe: A Case Study of African Century Bank

International Journal of Economics and Management Studies
© 2022 by SSRG - IJEMS Journal
Volume 9 Issue 2
Year of Publication : 2022
Authors : Gerald Munyoro, Witness Kusema, Webster Chimusakasa, Mercy Zingunde
How to Cite?

Gerald Munyoro, Witness Kusema, Webster Chimusakasa, Mercy Zingunde, "The Contribution of Entrepreneurial Culture on Corporate Performance in the Banking Sector in Zimbabwe: A Case Study of African Century Bank," SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, vol. 9,  no. 2, pp. 21-34, 2022. Crossref,


This study was based on the contribution of entrepreneurial culture to corporate performance in the banking sector in Zimbabwe but focused on African Century Bank. Thus, phenomenology research philosophy was adopted in this study for the reason that it deals with the source, nature and development of knowledge. In addition, comprehensive circumstantial fauna of qualitative findings from the interpretive approach was also used to complement each other. As a result, data was collected using questionnaires and group interviews. Whilst, Qualitative Data Analysis was used to analyze data. Thus, supported by quantitative analysis methods. In view of that, the results show that there is an array of problems facing the banking sector in Zimbabwe, such as inflation, corporate governance, harsh economic environment and inconsistent government policies, all leading to a lack of confidence in the consumers themselves and investor community at large. Furthermore, the study also shows that the knowledge of entrepreneurial culture in the banking sector in Zimbabwe does not exist. For that reason, entrepreneurial culture should be introduced in all the banks in Zimbabwe as it has massive positive benefits to the Zimbabwean banking sector in particular and the economy at large. In short, the promotion of entrepreneurial culture in the banking sector in Zimbabwe will restore investor confidence resulting in positive corporate performance.


Banking sector, Corporate performance, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial culture, Banking sector, Banks, Investor confidence.


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