Quantification And Characterization of Changes In Land Use Types In The Menoua Watershed Between 1974 And 2018
International Journal of Geoinformatics and Geological Science |
© 2021 by SSRG - IJGGS Journal |
Volume 8 Issue 2 |
Year of Publication : 2021 |
Authors : Kouedjou Idriss Landry, Ndjeuto Tchouli Prosper I, Tchotsoua Michel |
How to Cite?
Kouedjou Idriss Landry, Ndjeuto Tchouli Prosper I, Tchotsoua Michel, "Quantification And Characterization of Changes In Land Use Types In The Menoua Watershed Between 1974 And 2018," SSRG International Journal of Geoinformatics and Geological Science, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 1-8, 2021. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23939206/IJGGS-V8I2P101
The state of land use plays a major role in triggering hydrological processes at the plot or watershed level. Thus, its study takes a place of choice in the knowledge of the hydrological functioning of the catchment areas. The objective of this work is to quantify and characterize the land use of the Menoua watershed using high and medium resolution satellite data (Sentinel-2B and Landsat TM). To achieve this, supervised classification using the object-oriented approach and the diachronic comparison method were used. All the image processing operations were evaluated through the Kappa index widely used in the literature to evaluate the quality of classification operations. The calculation of this index revealed a classification rate of 97% for the year 2018 and 89% for the year 1978. The results obtained at the end of the classification process made it possible to characterize the spatio-temporal evolution of land use in the Menoua watershed for the 40-year period (1978 to 2018). The diachronic analysis of the images shows that, for the time step considered, the overall rate of change is negative for closed vegetation formations (-1.24%), and -0.99% and -0.89% for shrub savannah and grassy savannah respectively. On the other hand, it is positive for the built (2.59%), agrosystem (1.28%) and bare soil (1.24%) classes. From the overall analysis of the spatio-temporal evolution, it appears that the Menoua watershed is undergoing a profound anthropization, thus testifying to the strong imprint of man on the natural environment, which may at some point disturb the dynamic balance of this mountain ecosystem.
Dynamics, land cover, Sentinel-2B images, object-oriented approach, Menoua watershed.
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