Geology and Aquifer Potential of Some Cretaceous Deposits Around Kwadon Village, Upper Benue through N-E Nigeria

International Journal of Geoinformatics and Geological Science |
© 2022 by SSRG - IJGGS Journal |
Volume 9 Issue 1 |
Year of Publication : 2022 |
Authors : Fatima Saidu, Yusuf Abdulmumin, Ahmad Isah Haruna, Ahmadu Tukur, Abdulmajid Isa Jibrin |
How to Cite?
Fatima Saidu, Yusuf Abdulmumin, Ahmad Isah Haruna, Ahmadu Tukur, Abdulmajid Isa Jibrin, "Geology and Aquifer Potential of Some Cretaceous Deposits Around Kwadon Village, Upper Benue through N-E Nigeria," SSRG International Journal of Geoinformatics and Geological Science, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1-12, 2022. Crossref,
In the last few decades, there have been increased demands for water and the largest available source of freshwater lies underground. In the area studied, the main source of water supply is the Dadin Kowa Dam. Complementing this, people resort to the use of hand-dug wells, which are shallow and exposed to various forms of contaminations causing typhoid fever, cholera, and other water-related diseases. Thus, the use of vertical electrical sounding (VES) becomes imperative in locating viable aquifers in the area. In the course of this study, rock samples from the field were collected from the field were thin-sectioned, and the result of the study showed that quartz dominated the samples that were examined, with Gombe Sandstone having the highest percentage (90%) of quartz. The raw data obtained from the field using vertical electrical sounding (VES) was interpreted using the WinResist software. The interpreted results from the VES showed that most of the layers have low - moderate resistivity values, with sandstone localities having the least resistivities. All the information obtained points to the fact that Gombe Sandstone is the most porous and permeable (aquiferous) in the area.
Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES), Aquifer, Quartz, Gombe Sandstone, Resistivity.
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