Identification of Groundwater recharge potential zones in Thiruverumbur block, Trichy district using GIS and remote sensing

International Journal of Geoinformatics and Geological Science |
© 2016 by SSRG - IJGGS Journal |
Volume 3 Issue 2 |
Year of Publication : 2016 |
Authors : Dr.Reshma Saujani Sharma |
How to Cite?
Dr.Reshma Saujani Sharma, "Identification of Groundwater recharge potential zones in Thiruverumbur block, Trichy district using GIS and remote sensing," SSRG International Journal of Geoinformatics and Geological Science, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 6-11, 2016. Crossref,
Groundwater is deliberated as the desired source of water for facing the requirements of domestic, industrial and agricultural purposes. Due to its elongated residence time in the ground, low level of contamination, wide circulation, and accessibility within the reach of the end user.It is a precious resource of restricted extent.Moreover the prevailing wells are getting dried-up due to exhaustion of ground water table as the natural recharge is not sufficient. Groundwater recharge is a basic precondition for resourceful groundwater resource development and management, which is mainly significant for India with broadly predominant semi-arid and arid climate. Such precious groundwater can be used in a proper way hence accurate evaluation method is required. Suppose the natural recharge is not enough for the users, the authorized department have to meet with artificial recharge wherever it is necessary. For the process of constructing artificial recharge extents, the appropriate locations with hydro-geometric data will be required and also a suitable map showing such groundwater recharge potential zones for appropriate restore will be organized. Incorporated remote sensing and GIS can afford such appropriate platform for convergent analysis of various data sets for decision making in groundwater management and development. This paper proposed to recognize the groundwater recharge potential zones, to be used for better and enhanced groundwater resources. The various thematic layers deliberated are soil, land use and coverage, geomorphology, slope, drainage and contour density, which are organized using satellite imagery and other predictable data. Consequently, all thematic layers were combined using ArcGIS software to recognize the groundwater recharge potential zones and produce a map showing these groundwater recharge potential zones namely poor, moderate, good and excellent mainly based on the factors of the weights. The use of proposed methodology is demonstrated for a nominated study area Thiruverumbur block of Trichy district, Tamilnadu. This groundwater prospective information will be beneficial for effective identification of suitable locations for the process of extraction of groundwater.
Groundwater, Remote Sensing, GIS, recharge, thematic layers.
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