Integration Based GIS Weighted Linear Combination (WLC) model for Delineation Hydrocarbon Potential Zones in Ayad Area (Yemen) Using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Technique

International Journal of Geoinformatics and Geological Science |
© 2017 by SSRG - IJGGS Journal |
Volume 4 Issue 2 |
Year of Publication : 2017 |
Authors : Arafat Mohammed Bin Mohammed |
How to Cite?
Arafat Mohammed Bin Mohammed, "Integration Based GIS Weighted Linear Combination (WLC) model for Delineation Hydrocarbon Potential Zones in Ayad Area (Yemen) Using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Technique," SSRG International Journal of Geoinformatics and Geological Science, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 1-5, 2017. Crossref,
Exploration of hydrocarbon resources is a highly complicated and costly process where different geological, geochemical and geophysical element are improved then combined together. It is highly important how to plan the seismic data acquisition survey and locate the exploratory wells since inaccurate or imprecise locations lead to waste of time and money during the operation. The goal of this study is to locate high-potentially oil and gas province in Ayad Area to reduce both time and costs in exploration and development processes. In this observe, 8 maps were developed using GIS functions for factors including: basement structure (BDM), Bouguer gravity anomalies (GAM), pre rift isopach map (PRIM), syn rift isopach map (SRIM), salt depth map (SDM),subsurface faults system(SFS), Lower pre rift Isopach map (LPRI),and Upper pre rift Isopach map (UPRI) . To model and to integrate maps, this study employed Weighted LinerComposition(WLC) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) methods to locatehigh-potential zones of hydrocarbon prospects.the hydrocarbon potential map was classified tofive classes from very low to very high potential. Theclasses of hydrocarbon potential map were checked againstthe distribution of the exploration wells and oil fields in Ayad area.The final favorable potential map suggested new promising areas for hydrocarbon accumulations which were found in agreement to the validated ground truth data.
GIS, WLC, AHP, Hydrocarbon Potential, Ayad area.
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