Effects of climate variations on Agriculture and Food safety

International Journal of Geoinformatics and Geological Science
© 2017 by SSRG - IJGGS Journal
Volume 4 Issue 3
Year of Publication : 2017
Authors : T.Sofia Elise, P.Madeleine
How to Cite?

T.Sofia Elise, P.Madeleine, "Effects of climate variations on Agriculture and Food safety," SSRG International Journal of Geoinformatics and Geological Science, vol. 4,  no. 3, pp. 26-30, 2017. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23939206/IJGGS-V4I5P104


The mutual relationship of weather change and agriculture is one of themost important in specific to emerging countries as a result of their requirement on agrarian practice for means of support and their shortage of organization for alteration when associated to developed countries. Agricultural deeds are pretentious by climatically variations have emotive impact due to their direct requirement on climatic influences. In high space areas with low temperature, increased temperature because of climate change could permit for longer increasing season. Cultivation disturbs climate through radiations of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. These discharges come straightly from the practice of fossil fuels, plowing practices, pollinated agricultural soils and livestock compost in large proportion. The representations are categorized in subject to the resulting principles: the definite impacts they aim to evaluate, their capability to measure production and/or financial losses, and the approval of social signs of the effects and responses. The faults and assets of the models are also recognized and conferred. The most appropriate factors for the optimal solution of the most proper model are evaluated. On the other hand, agriculture could be a clarification for climate change by the well-known adoption of alleviation and variation actions. This occurs with the help of best management performances such as biological farming, agro forestry training and fertilizer management etc.


Climate change, agriculture, biological farming, agro forestry training, fertilizer management..


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