Future of Mining Techniques in Deep Ore Mines without Catastrophic Risks

International Journal of Geoinformatics and Geological Science
© 2020 by SSRG - IJGGS Journal
Volume 7 Issue 1
Year of Publication : 2020
Authors : Olga Hachay , Oleg Khachay
How to Cite?

Olga Hachay , Oleg Khachay, "Future of Mining Techniques in Deep Ore Mines without Catastrophic Risks," SSRG International Journal of Geoinformatics and Geological Science, vol. 7,  no. 1, pp. 23-29, 2020. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23939206/IJGGS-V7I1P103


Self-organization is not a universal property of matter, it exists under certain internal and external conditions and this is not associated with a special class of substances. The study of the morphology and dynamics of migration of anomalous zones associated with increased stresses is of particular importance in the development of deep deposits, complicated by dynamic phenomena in the form of rock impacts. An important tool for this study is geophysical survey and monitoring. To describe the geological environment in the form of an array of rocks with its natural and technogenic heterogeneity, one should use its more adequate description, which is a discrete model of the medium in the form of a heterogeneous block medium with embedded heterogeneities of a lower rank than the block size. We have carried out an analysis of the morphology of the structural features of disintegration zones before a strong dynamic phenomenon. The introduction of the proposed integrated passive and active geophysical monitoring into the mining system, aimed at studying the transient processes of the redistribution of stress-strain and phase states, can help to prevent catastrophic dynamic manifestations during the development of deep-located deposits. Active geophysical monitoring methods should be tuned to a hierarchical heterogeneous model


anomalous stress zones, morphology and dynamics dangerous zones, including geophysical monitoring in the mining system, analyze of preventing catastrophic events.


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