Meta-analysis on the Retting of Plant Fibres

International Journal of Material Science and Engineering
© 2021 by SSRG - IJMSE Journal
Volume 7 Issue 3
Year of Publication : 2021
Authors : Nsangou Abdouramane, Nkemaja Dydimus Efeze, Pierre Marcel Anicet Noah, Soppie Anny Geraldo, Amba Cecile, Assomo Angele Michelle, Fouyou Anne Valée, Elong Elong Elie Firmin kuate, Ngum Lesley Ngum, Fabien Ebanda Betene, Hambaté Gomdjé Valery
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Nsangou Abdouramane, Nkemaja Dydimus Efeze, Pierre Marcel Anicet Noah, Soppie Anny Geraldo, Amba Cecile, Assomo Angele Michelle, Fouyou Anne Valée, Elong Elong Elie Firmin kuate, Ngum Lesley Ngum, Fabien Ebanda Betene, Hambaté Gomdjé Valery, "Meta-analysis on the Retting of Plant Fibres," SSRG International Journal of Material Science and Engineering, vol. 7,  no. 3, pp. 16-20, 2021. Crossref,


The objective of this study was to carry out a synthesis of the knowledge on the retting of plant-based fibers in the literature. The methodology used was to search articles, theses, dissertations, and patents available in databases such as (Science Direct, researchgate, and Google scholar) that deal with the issue of retting of plant fibers. The results obtained show that water retting, enzymatic retting, and field or soil retting are biochemical rettings. Both water retting and field or soil retting involve microorganisms in the process of degrading the fiber aggregate, with the only difference being that the former is anaerobic and the latter aerobic. Enzymatic retting should be done with an SPS-ase enzyme. The fastest retting is the hot water retting which is done in 5 hours maximum, and the slowest is the land retting which can go up to 8 weeks. A plan of experimentation should be studied for each type of retting in order to know not only the retting time for each specific fiber but also the quantities of materials and equipment to be used in order not to deteriorate the fiber. The color of the fiber depends on the type of retting. Regardless of the type of retting, the vegetable textile fiber will consist of cellulose, hemicelluloses, lignin, pectin, and wax. Amylase retting deserves a careful study of fiber deterioration because plant fibers are made up of a large majority of celluloses. Both cellulose and starch are made up of D-glucose, with the only difference being that the D-glucose molecules of starch are linked together by alpha 1,4 bonds, whereas cellulose is linked together by beta 1,4 bonds.


Fibre retting, Plant fiber retting, and Plant fiber extraction


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