Effect of Educational Interventional Program for Preschool Children on their Knowledge and Practice Regarding Sexual Harassment

International Journal of Nursing and Health Science
© 2019 by SSRG - IJNHS Journal
Volume 5 Issue 2
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors : Amna Nagaty Aboelmagd , Ebtsam S. Mahrous, Sabah Saleh Hassan
How to Cite?

Amna Nagaty Aboelmagd , Ebtsam S. Mahrous, Sabah Saleh Hassan, "Effect of Educational Interventional Program for Preschool Children on their Knowledge and Practice Regarding Sexual Harassment," SSRG International Journal of Nursing and Health Science, vol. 5,  no. 2, pp. 12-19, 2019. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/24547484/IJNHS-V5I2P103


A. Background: Harassment against children is often hidden from view (a source of shame that neither the offender nor the child is willing to reveal). This study evaluated an educational interventional program for preschool children regarding sexual harassment.
B. Research design: A quasi-experimental research design (pretest and posttest) was used in the current study.
C. Setting: The current study was carried out at Minia and Damanhour cities.
D. Sample: A simple random sample of 100 preschool children was selected (50 preschool children from Damanhour city and 50 preschool children from Minia city).
E. Tools of data collection: Two tools were used in this study.
F. Tool І: is an interview questionnaire that included two parts: Part 1: Personal characteristic of children as sex, age, and school name and Part 2: Knowledge assessment sheet and Tool ІІ which was a practice sheet.
G. Results: the main results revealed that the highest percentage of the Damanhour preschool children and nearly half of the Minia preschool children had an unsatisfactory level of knowledge pre educational interventional program. However, about two-thirds of the Damanhour preschool children and the majority of the Minia preschool children had good knowledge level post educational interventional program with a statistically significant difference. The results highlighted that more than half of the Damanhour preschool children and more than a quarter of the Minia preschool children had poor practice level pre-educational interventional programs. While the highest percentage of the Damanhour preschool children and the majority of the Minia preschool children had good practice level post educational interventional program with a statistically significant difference.
H. Conclusion: knowledge and practices of the preschool child in Damanhour and Minia nursery schools had increased by an educational program.
I. Recommendation: Sexual harassment educational guidance must be provided for all children to improve their knowledge about sexual harassment.


Educational interventional program, Preschool children, Sexual harassment


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