Emotional Stress Reaction and Coping of Nurses in Specialized Areas and General Wards During COVID-19 Outbreak: A Comparative Study

International Journal of Nursing and Health Science |
© 2021 by SSRG - IJNHS Journal |
Volume 7 Issue 3 |
Year of Publication : 2021 |
Authors : Eva Lobelle Ederango Sampayan, Shadia Hamoud Alshahrani, Selvaranni Panneer Selvam, Kalaiselvi Duraisamy Pavuthakursar, Apple Grace Ederango Leonardo |
How to Cite?
Eva Lobelle Ederango Sampayan, Shadia Hamoud Alshahrani, Selvaranni Panneer Selvam, Kalaiselvi Duraisamy Pavuthakursar, Apple Grace Ederango Leonardo, "Emotional Stress Reaction and Coping of Nurses in Specialized Areas and General Wards During COVID-19 Outbreak: A Comparative Study," SSRG International Journal of Nursing and Health Science, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 13-19, 2021. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/24547484/IJNHS-V7I3P103
The coronavirus disease has caused many nurses to experienced overwhelming emotional stress. Several types of research have focused on the psychological and mental health of nurses during the COVID-19 outbreak. The study determined the emotional stress reaction and coping of nurses. A descriptive comparative design was used. 76 nurses participated in the study recruited through snowball sampling. Nurses in the specialized areas felt concerned (M=3.41±0.77), and nurses in the general wards felt that being alert (M=3.34±0.64) was highly demonstrated during the outbreak. Nurses coping in specialized areas deal with the problem by waiting them out and seeing if it doesn’t take care of itself (M=2.60, SD=0.92). Nurses in the general wards showed that they try to remember the problem is not as serious as it seems (M=2.30±0.87). The emotional stress reaction has a significant relationship to the nurses' coping scale (p=0.000). There is no significant difference in the emotional stress and coping of nurses between the two groups. Nurses felt emotionally alert and concerned during the COVID-19 outbreak. This result provides a theoretical underpinning that improves the psychological aspect and mental health of nurses. In this way, nurses will be able to meet standards of nursing care amidst the COVID-19 outbreak.
Coping, COVID-19 Outbreak, Emotional stress, General Ward, Specialized Areas
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