The Relationship of the Role of Supervision Model 4S with the Assessment Element of Patient Prevention of Fall Risk Mediated by the Competence of the Nurse

International Journal of Nursing and Health Science |
© 2022 by SSRG - IJNHS Journal |
Volume 8 Issue 2 |
Year of Publication : 2022 |
Authors : Selvin Diana, Yulastri Arif, Esthika Ariany Maisa |
How to Cite?
Selvin Diana, Yulastri Arif, Esthika Ariany Maisa, "The Relationship of the Role of Supervision Model 4S with the Assessment Element of Patient Prevention of Fall Risk Mediated by the Competence of the Nurse," SSRG International Journal of Nursing and Health Science, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 33-39, 2022. Crossref,
One of the targets of patient safety is to reduce the risk of falling patients, contained in the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia no. 11 of 2017. One of the efforts to prevent patients at risk of falling in the hospital is to conduct periodic fall risk assessments to identify the root cause of the patient's risk of falling. To achieve this outcome, clinical supervision is needed to help nurses’ self-development, increase nurse knowledge and skills, foster self-efficacy, and support professional development. The role of supervision in the prevention of fall patients includes the role of a director, adviser, guide, motivator, and assessor. This study aimed to analyze the relationship of the role of 4S model supervision with elements of fall patient prevention assessment mediated by nurses' competence in preventing fall patients. This is a quantitative study with a cross-sectional approach, with48 nurses with a total sampling technique. This study used questionnaires and observation sheets tested for validity and reliability and data analysis with univariate analysis and SEM PLS. The results showed that based on the sub-variable role of supervision model 4s, 37.5% were related to nursing competence, and there was a relationship between the competence of the implementing nurse in the prevention of fall patients with the element of assessment of falling patient prevention (p-value = 0.019) in HOSPITAL X. The author recommends that the role of nursing supervision be further improved so that it can improve the competence and compliance of nurses in the implementation of patient fall prevention to improve patient safety while in the hospital
Supervising relationships, Nurse competence, Risk of falling.
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