Surface Modification of Cotton Fibre with Functionalized Silane Coupling Agents

International Journal of Polymer and Textile Engineering |
© 2020 by SSRG - IJPTE Journal |
Volume 7 Issue 1 |
Year of Publication : 2020 |
Authors : Md. Khademul Islam, Md. Ibrahim H. Mondal, Firoz Ahmed, Tahmina Akter |
How to Cite?
Md. Khademul Islam, Md. Ibrahim H. Mondal, Firoz Ahmed, Tahmina Akter, "Surface Modification of Cotton Fibre with Functionalized Silane Coupling Agents," SSRG International Journal of Polymer and Textile Engineering, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 63-67, 2020. Crossref,
Vinyltriethoxysilane and 3-Glycidoxypropyl-triethoxy-silane were used for surface functionalization to provide more attention of cotton fibre in textiles. The process was carried out in ethanol- water medium which accelerates the crosslinking reaction between cotton fibre and silane monomer and was optimized carefully as a function of fibre weight gain. The purpose was to enhance the tensile strength and softness properties of the cotton, by introducing a more flexible Si-O bond between the silane coupling agents and the cotton fibre. The modification of cotton fibre enhanced the tensile strength and water repellency properties due to higher flexibility of Si-O bond and fibre matrix interfacial strength properties. The optimized condition of modification for VTES and GPTES was 400% on the weight of fibre in ethanol/water mixture (60:40) containing surfactant by maintaining pH 3.5 at 35 C for VTES and 30C for GPTES in the fibre-liquor0 ratio of 1:40. It was observed that swelling behavior and moisture absorption of modified cotton fibres were decreased in polar solvents whereas increased in nonpolar solvents. Fourier transform Infrared spectroscopy was used to identify the incorporation of silicon-containing molecules. Energy Disperse X-ray analysis determined the quantities of atomic silicon which directly reflects its valence bond with organic moieties. Scanning electron microscopy and thermogravimetric analysis were used to investigate the surface morphology and thermal behavior of the modified fibre, respectively.
Cotton fibre; Surface modification; silane coupling agents.
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