Analysis of Combustion Characteristics of a LHR-STD Diesel Engine Fuelled with Biofuel and Diesel Fuel

International Journal of Thermal Engineering |
© 2017 by SSRG - IJTE Journal |
Volume 3 Issue 1 |
Year of Publication : 2017 |
Authors : Selman Aydin, Cenk Sayin, Hüseyin Aydin, Rifat Yakut |
How to Cite?
Selman Aydin, Cenk Sayin, Hüseyin Aydin, Rifat Yakut, "Analysis of Combustion Characteristics of a LHR-STD Diesel Engine Fuelled with Biofuel and Diesel Fuel," SSRG International Journal of Thermal Engineering, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 12-20, 2017. Crossref,
It is important to efficiently use of alternative fuel in CI (compression ignition) engine, because of the lack of energy shortages will be in the present and coming years. Therefore this study, the top surfaces of the piston, exhaust and inlet valves of a four-stroke, direct injection, single cylinder CI engine was coated with a mixture of insulation materials by use of plasma spray method. After that, determine of combustion characteristics of standard (STD) CI engine and the low heat rejection (LHR) CI engine were tested under the same experimental conditions and the same experimental setup, fuelled with the WB20, WB100 and DF fuels. The results of both engines are compared with each other so that analyze how this modification is effect on the combustion parameters. Experimental results showed that LHR diesel engine generally is partly similar to STD diesel engine in terms of the knock density, mass burning rate, average gas temperature, velocity of heat transfer, coefficient of heat transfer and total heat transfer.
Combustion characteristics, Diesel engine, Low heat rejection, Waste cooking oil biofuel.
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