Review on latest approaches used in Natural Language Processing for generation of Image Captioning

International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering
© 2017 by SSRG - IJCSE Journal
Volume 4 Issue 6
Year of Publication : 2017
Authors : M. A. Bhalekar , Dr. M. V. Bedekar

How to Cite?

M. A. Bhalekar , Dr. M. V. Bedekar, "Review on latest approaches used in Natural Language Processing for generation of Image Captioning," SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering , vol. 4,  no. 6, pp. 41-48, 2017. Crossref,


Recently the area of image captioning has received a lot of attention from researchers and academia. Image caption generation area has received attentions since the development of Deep Learning. Automatically generating caption from an image is done by integrating the domain of computer vision and natural language processing. Describing the content of an image is inherently a natural language processing and computer vision task. Many image captioning systems have shown that it is possible to describe the most salient information conveyed by images with accurate and meaningful sentences. This paper gives a survey about different recent approaches that have been used for image captioning with discussing the datasets been used.


Image captioning, Computer Vision, Natural language processing, Deep Learning


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