A Hybrid (Soft and Hard) Systems Approach to Project Management

International Journal of Industrial Engineering
© 2017 by SSRG - IJIE Journal
Volume 4 Issue 3
Year of Publication : 2017
Authors : R.Siriram
How to Cite?

R.Siriram, "A Hybrid (Soft and Hard) Systems Approach to Project Management," SSRG International Journal of Industrial Engineering, vol. 4,  no. 3, pp. 1-16, 2017. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23499362/IJIE-V4I6P101


many firms face out of control projects and many report huge losses. Firms are hampered with many failures in project management, and the causes for these failures vary e.g. embedding of project management initiatives, poor quality, cost and schedule slippage, immature processes, adherence to processes, coordination of information flow, knowledge transfer, trust in project relationships, and, etc. This paper makes a contribution to knowledge by proposing a hybrid (soft and hard) systems approach to project management leads to successful project performance. Two case studies in the Information and Communications technology (ICT) industry are presented showing challengers in project management and the benefits which may be realized from adopting a (soft and hard) systems approach. Important lessons for managers and project management practitioners are provided.


Systems Thinking, Holistic Approaches, Human Activity System and Project Management.


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