Flow Simulation of Recycled Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger for Raw Milk Micro-Scale Pasteurization

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
© 2016 by SSRG - IJME Journal
Volume 3 Issue 5
Year of Publication : 2016
Authors : M. D. Bako, M.S. Abolarin, A. Nasir, A. Babawuya, A. Mohammed
How to Cite?

M. D. Bako, M.S. Abolarin, A. Nasir, A. Babawuya, A. Mohammed, "Flow Simulation of Recycled Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger for Raw Milk Micro-Scale Pasteurization," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 3,  no. 5, pp. 1-6, 2016. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23488360/IJME-V3I5P101


Heat exchanger, a versatile equipment which finds its application in both industrial and domestic environment is simulated with the principle of recycled heat transfer technique over a short concentric tube. The simulation of the heat exchanger was to ascertain its viability of solving the problem of portability, cost effectiveness and micro-scale pasteurization of milk product. This new concept is a Short Tube-Low Temperature, Long Time Pasteurization (ST-LTLT) or Cycle Pasteurization. The simulation provided 62.88oC and 61.12oC average temperature of liquid and solid respectively on iterative programme or cycles/minutes which provided an obvious plat form for the feasibility of micro-scale pasteurization with cost-effectiveness and portability. The exhibited behavior of turbulent velocity, pressure drop and density were in conformity with theory of pasteurization. Indeed, this concept if successful will complement the existing conventional methods of arranging plates and long concentric pipes for High Temperature Short Time (HTST) and Low Temperature Long Time (LTLT) which is characterized with the challenge of microscale pasteurization. The study of transient heatanalysis of the heat exchanger to guide the design and construction process precedes this paper.


pasteurization, tube heat exchanger, cycle pasteurization


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