Topology optimization has become a very active area of research and various methods have been proposed to deal with topological optimization problems. Generally, the topology optimization deals with finding the optimal material distribution in a design domain while minimizing the compliance of the structure. In this work, focus has been kept on a topology optimization of a rotating disc having four point loads.

"/> Guide Weight (GW) method, OC method, topology optimization, Q4 element, compliance, tangential and centrifugal forces

"/> Topology optimization has become a very active area of research and various methods have been proposed to deal with topological optimization problems. Generally, the topology optimization deals with finding the optimal material distribution in a design domain while minimizing the compliance of the structure. In this work, focus has been kept on a topology optimization of a rotating disc having four point loads.

"/> Topology optimization has become a very active area of research and various methods have been proposed to deal with topological optimization problems. Generally, the topology optimization deals with finding the optimal material distribution in a design domain while minimizing the compliance of the structure. In this work, focus has been kept on a topology optimization of a rotating disc having four point loads.

"/> Topology optimization has become a very active area of research and various methods have been proposed to deal with topological optimization problems. Generally, the topology optimization deals with finding the optimal material distribution in a design domain while minimizing the compliance of the structure. In this work, focus has been kept on a topology optimization of a rotating disc having four point loads.


Topological Optimization using Guide Weight Method

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
© 2015 by SSRG - IJME Journal
Volume 2 Issue 7
Year of Publication : 2015
Authors : Kavita, Rakesh Saxena, Lalit Ranakoti, Ashish Bedwal
How to Cite?

Kavita, Rakesh Saxena, Lalit Ranakoti, Ashish Bedwal, "Topological Optimization using Guide Weight Method," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 2,  no. 7, pp. 18-22, 2015. Crossref,


Topology optimization has become a very active area of research and various methods have been proposed to deal with topological optimization problems. Generally, the topology optimization deals with finding the optimal material distribution in a design domain while minimizing the compliance of the structure. In this work, focus has been kept on a topology optimization of a rotating disc having four point loads.


Guide Weight (GW) method, OC method, topology optimization, Q4 element, compliance, tangential and centrifugal forces


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