Analytical Study of Non- Revenue Water of Tonk City, Rajasthan

International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science |
© 2018 by SSRG - IJAES Journal |
Volume 5 Issue 3 |
Year of Publication : 2018 |
Authors : Namrata Singh, Dr. Bharat Nagar |
How to Cite?
Namrata Singh, Dr. Bharat Nagar, "Analytical Study of Non- Revenue Water of Tonk City, Rajasthan," SSRG International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 80-95, 2018. Crossref,
Tonk city is still in its developing phase. It does not have proper sewage system and its water utility is not able to sustain its services. The water which is being supplied is not sufficient to satisfy the water demand of Tonk city. The water distribution system is also being laid long time back and then after the distribution system is not able to cater the water demand of Tonk city. Since then the population has been raised manifold. The water utility is not able to cover all population of Tonk city with water service. The water utility of Tonk city is managed, operated and maintained by Public Health Engineering Department. Negligence of department also lead to increase in non revenue water. This study aims at assessing the quantity, supply management options and measure awareness of NRW in Tonk water utility. The study found that volume of NRW in Tonk city water distribution system made up to – of system input volume of which is apparent losses; is real losses; and is unbilled authorized consumption. Further analysis showed that unauthorized consumption stands for of NRW volume and its main causes are poor customer- utility relation and lack of monitoring measures. Although results showed that leakages makes up more than of NRW. This in turn is beyond the capacity of the utility. In consequence, the study recommended optimizing the speed and quality of repairs for reported leaks and involving the private sector to supply the right technology for achieving zoning in the network. For apparent loss reduction, the study recommended working on enhancing the customer-utility relation, customer confidence on the utility, monitoring measures, and the utility employees’ commitment. For improved NRW management, the study suggested assessing NRW and drawing water balance annually, and getting use of the free NRW softwares with their associated performance indicators to allow better NRW monitoring.
NRW volume, water utility
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