Study the Effect on Deflection by using the Shear Wall in Multi Storey Building with the Help of STAAD Pro

International Journal of Civil Engineering |
© 2018 by SSRG - IJCE Journal |
Volume 5 Issue 9 |
Year of Publication : 2018 |
Authors : Manjeet Dua, Er.Sumit Rana, Nitin Verma |
How to Cite?
Manjeet Dua, Er.Sumit Rana, Nitin Verma, "Study the Effect on Deflection by using the Shear Wall in Multi Storey Building with the Help of STAAD Pro," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 5, no. 9, pp. 8-11, 2018. Crossref,
The main object of this thesis is design, analyses and calculation of deflection by comparing of two G+15 storey buildings to ensure the required safety and serviceability requirements against the deflection in different loads and load combination (i.e. wall load, live load, dead load and earthquake load). The structure shall be designed for housing G+15, each building have same loading, same geometry, same zone and the same soil condition. The main difference is of the Shear wall. In 21st century due to huge population the no of areas in units are decreasing day by day. Few years back the populations were not so vast so they used to stay in Horizontal system(due to large area available per person).But now a day’s people preferring Vertical System(high rise building due to shortage of area).In high rise buildings we should concern about all the forces that act on a building ,its own weight as well as the soil bearing capacity .For external forces that act on the building the beam, column and reinforcement should be good enough to counteract these forces successfully. And the soil should be good enough to pass the load successfully to the foundation. For loose soil we preferred deep foundation (pile).If we will do so much calculation for a high rise building manually then it will take more time as well as human errors can be occurred. So the use of STAAD-ProV8i (Select series 6) will make it easy. STAAD- ProV8i (Select series 6) can solve typical problem like Static analysis, Seismic analysis and Natural frequency. These type of problem can be solved by STAAD- ProV8i (Select series 6) along with IS-CODE. Moreover STAAD- ProV8i (Select series 6) has a greater advantage than the manual technique as it gives more accurate and precise result than the manual technique. Generally shear wall can be defined as structural vertical member that is able to resist combination of shear, moment and axial load induced by lateral load and gravity load transfer to the wall from other structural member. Reinforced concrete walls, which include lift wells or shear walls, are the usual requirements of Multi Storey Buildings. Design by coinciding centroid and mass center of the building is the ideal for a Structure. An introduction of shear wall represents a structurally efficient solution to stiffen a building structural system because the main function of a shear wall is to increase the rigidity for lateral load resistance.
G+15, STAAD, IS-CODE, ProV8i
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