A Comprehensive Study on use of Modified Binders in Bituminous Mixes

International Journal of Civil Engineering |
© 2019 by SSRG - IJCE Journal |
Volume 6 Issue 1 |
Year of Publication : 2019 |
Authors : Anzar Hamid |
How to Cite?
Anzar Hamid, "A Comprehensive Study on use of Modified Binders in Bituminous Mixes," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 22-24, 2019. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23488352/IJCE-V6I1P104
Investigations have been carried out in India and countries abroad to find out the properties of bitumen and bituminous mixes and the methods by which they can be improved to cope with the above defects of pavements and incorporate certain additives or blend of additives. These additives added to enhance the binders are called "Bitumen Modifiers," and the bitumen premixed with these modifiers is known as "Modified Bitumen." Modified bitumen's performance depends upon the degree of modifications and type of additives, and modification process used. The next renewal period is expected to extend by 50 percent in surfacing with modified bitumen compared to the normal period indicated for conventional bitumen. For example, if the normal renewal cycle is 4 years, this may be enhanced to 6 years in modified bitumen. Full-scale performance studies carried out under the ages of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, New Delhi, Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi, Highway Research Station, Chennai, Rubber Board, Kottayam, Gujarat Engineering Research Institute, Vadodara, and Kerala Public Works Department revealed that the use of Modified Bitumen in construction/ maintenance of bituminous roads is cost-effective when life cycle cost is taken into consideration. In a nutshell, the choice will ultimately depend upon the life cycle costing of overlays and renewals using ordinary bitumen and modified bitumen for prevailing traffic and climatic conditions. It will also depend upon the type of pavement constructed. The need for bituminous binders has been aroused due to the pavement failures. Pavement failures are one of the important issues in the entire pavement system.
Bituminous mix, Marshall Test, Stability, Aggregates, zycotherm.
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