Retrofitting of the Post-tensioned beam using CFRP wrapping and Ferrocement wrapping system

International Journal of Civil Engineering |
© 2019 by SSRG - IJCE Journal |
Volume 6 Issue 6 |
Year of Publication : 2019 |
Authors : Pratik Khare, Dr. M.S.Kulkarni |
How to Cite?
Pratik Khare, Dr. M.S.Kulkarni, "Retrofitting of the Post-tensioned beam using CFRP wrapping and Ferrocement wrapping system," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 18-22, 2019. Crossref,
Three Finite Element (FEM) models have been developed using ANSYS 16 workbench for Post-tensioned prestressed concrete beam, beam retrofitted with Ferrocement, and beam retrofitted with FRP. In this research comparison of two retrofitting systems by formulating excel sheets for generalized solution and validation of results by finite element modeling in ANSYS software is done. This work gives the comparison of total stresses, flexure capacity increase, deflection reduction, crack control, displacement curves, and the check for shear on the same model. Although a great amount of work had been done on retrofitting concrete and prestressed concrete bridge girders, a comparison of these two retrofitting procedures for prestressed beams for residential is really beneficial to design professionals. The results showed that Ferrocement strength was effectively utilized in the section selected herein, which could be addressed through the economy for the amount of Ferrocement and prestressing steel used, thereby increasing the section ductility. The approach produced comparable results to the FEM and can be effectively and conveniently used in the design
ANSYS 16.0 Workbench, CFRP, Ferrocement, Flexure, Post-tensioned beam, Retrofitting.
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