An Experimental Study On Bitumen Properties By Using Medical Plastic Waste

International Journal of Civil Engineering |
© 2019 by SSRG - IJCE Journal |
Volume 6 Issue 8 |
Year of Publication : 2019 |
Authors : Ch. Naveen Kumar , V. John Prashath , Dr. K.Hari Krishna |
How to Cite?
Ch. Naveen Kumar , V. John Prashath , Dr. K.Hari Krishna, "An Experimental Study On Bitumen Properties By Using Medical Plastic Waste," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 6, no. 8, pp. 17-29, 2019. Crossref,
The Bituminous concrete (BC) is a composite material mostly used in the construction projects like road surfacing, parking lots ,airports etc. It consists of the Asphalt or bitumen (used as a binder)and the mineral Aggregate which are mixed together and laid down in layers and then compacted. Now a day, the steady increment in the high Traffic intensity in terms of commercial vehicles, and also a significant variation in the daily and seasonal temperature put us in an demanding situation to think of some alternatives for improvisation of the pavement characteristics and quality by applying some necessary modifications which shall satisfy both the strengths as well as economical aspects. Also considering all of the environmental approach due to excessive use of medical waste plastic in day to day ,the pollution in environment is enormous. Since the medical waste plastic is not the biodegradable, the need of the current hour is to use the medical waste plastic in some beneficial purposes. This paper presents a research conducted over to study the behavior of BC mix modified with bio medical waste plastic. Various percentages of plastic waste are used for preparation of mixes with selected aggregate grading as given in MORTH(Ministry of Road Transportation Of Highway)/IRC(Indian Road Congress)code. The important role of waste Plastic in the mixture is studied for various engineering properties by preparing Marshall samples of BC mixtures with and without polymer.The Marshall properties results are such as stability ,flow rate,air voids,unit weight which are used to determine optimum polythene content for the given grade of bitumen(60/70).
Bituminous concrete (BC),Marshall stability, Flow value ,Optimum medical plastic waste content
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