The Effect of Tide to Current and Sedimentation Pattern in Amurang Bay, North Sulawesi

International Journal of Civil Engineering |
© 2019 by SSRG - IJCE Journal |
Volume 6 Issue 10 |
Year of Publication : 2019 |
Authors : Tommy Jansen, Roski R. I. Legrans, Pingkan Pratasis |
How to Cite?
Tommy Jansen, Roski R. I. Legrans, Pingkan Pratasis, "The Effect of Tide to Current and Sedimentation Pattern in Amurang Bay, North Sulawesi," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 6, no. 10, pp. 14-22, 2019. Crossref,
Winds, tides and river discharges largely drive coastal currents. The strength of tidal currents, river runoff, meteorological conditions, shoreline configuration, water depth and topography are the factors that affect coastal water circulation. Generally, currents are the flowing of water mass caused by wind, difference of density or tide moving. The existence of currents direction and sedimentation to nearshore of Amurang Bay was studied with using computer model tools as the hydrodynamic model by determine currents speed and its direction and mud transport model.
The study took place in Amurang Bay as the province of North Sulawesi Indonesia with the geography position around 1012’16.16” N-124027’04.33” E to 1015’43.80” N-124032’01.06” E. The bathymetry and tide data used in this research from Indonesian Coastline Environmental map of year 1995 with scale 1:50,000 from BIG (Badan Informasi Geospasial) with a satellite data from Google earth of year 2018 and LANTAMAL Manado, the wind and current data was obtained from BMKG Bitung. Time simulations are taken from 25 November to 23 December 2016 as a wet season and 25 May to 23 June 2016 as a dry season. As analytical tools, MIKE3 hydrodynamic mode are used and Mud Transport model. The currents pattern plays an important role in sediment transport process, so the study of the currents pattern has been important as well.
The result of this study indicates that the tide plays the role of current occurance in Amurang bay. Without considering the effect of wind the result of simulation shows that the pattern of current direction at nearshore is to East, Southeast and Southwest with current velocity average of 0.06 m/s. Current direction at boundary point of bay or near seaward is to southeast, northeast and north with average velocity of 0.16 m/s. The sedimentation pattern showed to south direction with more concentrating to nearshore of Moinit area. The pattern of current and sedimentation followed the pattern of tide movement.
Sea Tide, Low Tide, Sedimentation, Amurang Bay
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