Shear Strengthening of R.C Beam-Column Joint using Post Installation of Headed Anchors

International Journal of Civil Engineering |
© 2019 by SSRG - IJCE Journal |
Volume 6 Issue 12 |
Year of Publication : 2019 |
Authors : K. Padmanabham, K. Rambabu |
How to Cite?
K. Padmanabham, K. Rambabu, "Shear Strengthening of R.C Beam-Column Joint using Post Installation of Headed Anchors," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 6, no. 12, pp. 1-11, 2019. Crossref,
Post Installation of Headed Anchor (PIHA) is an advanced technique proposed in this study for structural strengthening of R.C beam-column joints (BCJ). Previous research on seismic damages of R.C joints are widely correlated with shear deformation and bond slip of anchored reinforcement in joint core. To mitigate complex issues of reinforcement congestion, anchorage, fabrication and placement of reinforcement in congested geometry of BCJ, a novel technique of “Post Installation by Headed Anchor” is proposed in this paper. It is an effective measure useful to enhance the implicit properties of joint core such as shear, stiffness, confinement and ductility. This method produce viable solution of conventional practice system of Precast , Cast in-situ beam column joints .Headed anchors provides good supplement to
hooked anchorage system that improves shear, bond and ductile properties of joint which results delaying the ultimate failure .The state of fastening system considered in this study are bonded and un-bonded conditions anchors during mechanical and bonded fastening system in joint core. This paper focused on analytical aspects of proposed PIHA system so as to evaluate its strength and parametric influence against shear failure of BCJ. Principle observations made in this study are “Theory behind Post installation, Fastening techniques, Force transfer mechanism, Failure modes, Seismic suitability of anchors, and Implicit strengthening of joint core.
Beam-Column joint, Fastening Techniques, Headed Anchor, Implicit Strengthening. Post Installation.
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