The Study of the Depletion of Dissolved Oxygen In Woji/Okujagu River

International Journal of Civil Engineering |
© 2020 by SSRG - IJCE Journal |
Volume 7 Issue 3 |
Year of Publication : 2020 |
Authors : Owor, A. Alexander, Benedicta. U. Dike, J.C.Osuagu |
How to Cite?
Owor, A. Alexander, Benedicta. U. Dike, J.C.Osuagu, "The Study of the Depletion of Dissolved Oxygen In Woji/Okujagu River," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 25-40, 2020. Crossref,
This work presents the depletion of dissolved Oxygen in Woji/Okujagu River in Port Harcourt Local Government Area of Rivers State Nigeria. The study was carried out between February 2017 (dry season) and August 2017 (wet season). The sampling exercise was done on six (6) selected stations (stations A, B, C, D, E, and F) along the river located at progressive distances 200m upstream and downstream from the point of effluent discharge. Sampling was done three times during the dry season (February) and during the wet season (August) 2017. The physical and chemical properties of the river samples such as temperature, Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Electrical Conductivity (EC), pH, Nitrates, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5), and Dissolved Oxygen (DO) were analyzed using standard methods. The parameters were then compared to ascertain their conformity with national and international standards set by the Nigerian Environmental Standard and Regulation Enforcement Agency (NESREA) and the World Health Organization (WHO).
Further analysis was carried out by applying an extended version of Thomas slope and O'Connor reaeration and Streeter-Phelps models to determine the depletion of dissolved oxygen in the river by the decomposition characteristics of the discharged effluents. The results of the analysis showed that the temperature ranged from 25.4o - 29.5oC, TSS ranged from 145.6 – 484.4 mg/L, EC ranged from 422.7 – 982.2 μS/cm, pH ranged from 6.0 – 7.3, Nitrates ranged from 12.5 – 97.3 mg/L, BOD ranged from 22.5 – 75.2 mg/L and DO ranged from 2.2 – 6.5 mg/L. The only pH was within the recommended NESREA and WHO standards. The pollution index for all the stations was 2.7081. The critical time, tc, was 6250 sec (0.0353 days). Deoxygenation constant, Kdand ultimate BOD, Lo were 0.744 and 79.2 mg/l, respectively. The reaeration constant, Kr, was 0.0282. The values of DO obtained from laboratory analysis were plotted against time. The DO curve generated showed that the minimum DO level of the river is 2.7mg/l. From the curve, the measured and simulated DO showed that the DO reduction rate tends to be greater than the self-purification rate, which can contribute greatly to the degradation of the quality of the river ecosystem and human/aquatic life. Therefore, it is recommended that the relevant authorities embark on regular monitoring activities of receiving rivers in Rivers State to ensure the human and aquatic population's safety and the environment.
Effluent discharge, river pollution, physiochemical parameters, dissolved oxygen, models.
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