Modeling and Analysis Of Reinforced Concrete Beam Without Transverse Reinforcement And Strengthened With CFRP Lamellas: A parametric Study

International Journal of Civil Engineering |
© 2020 by SSRG - IJCE Journal |
Volume 7 Issue 7 |
Year of Publication : 2020 |
Authors : Samala Haricharan , R.Swami Ranga Reddy |
How to Cite?
Samala Haricharan , R.Swami Ranga Reddy, "Modeling and Analysis Of Reinforced Concrete Beam Without Transverse Reinforcement And Strengthened With CFRP Lamellas: A parametric Study," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 7, no. 7, pp. 123-127, 2020. Crossref,
The main objective of this paper is to study analytically, numerically modeled and analysis of reinforced concrete beam without transverse reinforcement and strengthened with cfrp lamellas by using a finite element based software Atena-Gid. A parametric study has been performed for the reinforced beam. A C25/30 grade reinforced concrete beam without transverse reinforcement is modeled and analyzed. Due to the missing of stirrups cfrp lamellas are modeled as reinforcement bars, it is sufficient to define just lines in the location where we want to use these cfrp-Sika CarboDur S[14] lamellas to reduce the deflections and increase the load-carrying capacity of the beam. Comparing the results with a reinforced beam without strengthening and with strengthening with cfrp lamellas. It is concluded that the strengthened beam with cfrp lamellas increases the load-bearing capacity, different crack patterns, delay the failure in the form of ductility, reduces the deflections and crack width. Calculating the load-bearing capacity percentage from the load-displacement diagram with lamellas and without cfrp lamellas.
ATENA-GID, FRP, CFRP, FE, Sika Carbodur S[14], Numerical Modelling.
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