Risk Management Survey in the Context of Flood Events and Rob in Campus I Lambung Mangkurat University

International Journal of Civil Engineering |
© 2022 by SSRG - IJCE Journal |
Volume 9 Issue 10 |
Year of Publication : 2022 |
Authors : Retna Hapsari Kartadipura, Elma Sofia, Meireinda Rahmadania, Maya Amalia |
How to Cite?
Retna Hapsari Kartadipura, Elma Sofia, Meireinda Rahmadania, Maya Amalia, "Risk Management Survey in the Context of Flood Events and Rob in Campus I Lambung Mangkurat University," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 9, no. 10, pp. 7-15, 2022. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23488352/IJCE-V9I10P102
North Banjarmasin District, such as Campus I Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM), which is on the street of Brigjen H Hasan Basry, is at risk of flooding and water inundation. The height of inundation that occurred in front of the main entrance of the campus ranged from 40 to 60 cm. Campus I ULM was inundated, and many buildings and classrooms were difficult to reach by motorcycle and car. The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Banjarmasin City says tidal flooding (rob) could occur in November 2021 because of the sea tides. The occurrence of tidal flooding (rob) was caused by the activity of sea tides and phases of the new moon, a spike in precipitation, and the possibility of high winds. A field survey has been conducted to collect this research data in October 2022. Interviews, questionnaires, observations, and reviews of flood-affected areas served as sources of information. Data collection via questionnaires was administered to respondents, including staff and lecturers of Lambung Mangkurat University. When filling out this questionnaire, people can look at what has happened in two ways: the probability and the impact of risk. The outcomes are flood risk vulnerability evaluations for the development of mitigation plans.
Campus I ULM, Rob, Survey, Questionnaire.
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