Knowledge of people in dissemination of environmental health messages Among communities in buton regency southeast sulawesi province, Indonesia

International Journal of Communication and Media Science
© 2020 by SSRG - IJCMS Journal
Volume 7 Issue 3
Year of Publication : 2020
Authors : Laode Muhammad Syahartijan, La Ode Jumaidin
How to Cite?

Laode Muhammad Syahartijan, La Ode Jumaidin, "Knowledge of people in dissemination of environmental health messages Among communities in buton regency southeast sulawesi province, Indonesia," SSRG International Journal of Communication and Media Science, vol. 7,  no. 3, pp. 25-30, 2020. Crossref,


The research to determine knowledge of people in environmental health messages among the communities in Southeast Sulawesi, province. The research was to determine the sources of information on environmental issues such as dwelling house, cleaning safe water, proper garbage disposal, and sanitary toilet used to obtain knowledge of environmental health messages among the people in Pasar Wajo district. The result of the study showed a significant difference concerning the receiving knowledge of environmental health from cleaning safe water and garbage disposal, in both sub-district. However, reviving related knowledge of environmental health from the sanitary toilet was the most effective way among sources of environmental health issues. This situation might be explained by the ability of environmental issues, particularly dwelling houses, in both sub-district could increase knowledge of people in the environmental health of the people in ButonRegency generally. Conclusion is formal Leader the most frequent source information taken by the people as a source of knowledge in environmental health. In formal leader was the source of information which the people getting less contact. Informal leader as the source of information wich people getting in contact between social group ( the least contact ) and formal leader ( the superior contact ).


Environmental issues, cleaning safe water, garbage disposal, sanitary toilet, dwelling house


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