Cultural Intelligence, Journalistic Function, and Ethical Principles: A Structural Equation Model on the Public Image of Broadcasters in Region XI

International Journal of Communication and Media Science
© 2021 by SSRG - IJCMS Journal
Volume 8 Issue 3
Year of Publication : 2021
Authors : Alger P. Dura, Rinante L. Genuba, Mary Ann E. Tarusan
How to Cite?

Alger P. Dura, Rinante L. Genuba, Mary Ann E. Tarusan, "Cultural Intelligence, Journalistic Function, and Ethical Principles: A Structural Equation Model on the Public Image of Broadcasters in Region XI," SSRG International Journal of Communication and Media Science, vol. 8,  no. 3, pp. 17-29, 2021. Crossref,


This study determined the best structural model for the public image of broadcasters in Region XI, Philippines. It likewise aimed to establish the relationship among its variables. Four hundred radio listeners participated in this study, and answered validated questionnaires. Descriptive statistics revealed that broadcasters in Region XI have high levels of cultural intelligence, journalistic function, ethical principles, and public image. Moreover, a strongly positive and significant relationship existed between the independent and dependent variables. The study also found that cultural intelligence, journalistic function, and ethical principles collectively influenced the public image of radio broadcasters by fifty percent. Interestingly, this study exposed that the journalistic function of broadcasters, consisting of the interpretive and populist-mobilize functions, is the best-fit model for the public image of broadcasters having passed all indices criteria of the goodness of fit. The findings suggest that radio broadcasters should concentrate on relevant social, cultural, and political issues confronting society and should give ordinary people a chance to express their views on subjects that are important to them.


public administration, structural equation modeling, cultural intelligence, journalistic function, ethical principles, public image, Region XI, Philippines


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