Comparison between Wireless Mesh and Adhoc Network in Cross Layer intend Approach

International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering
© 2016 by SSRG - IJCSE Journal
Volume 3 Issue 1
Year of Publication : 2016
Authors : Mayakrishanan, Dr. K.S.Jeya chandran

How to Cite?

Mayakrishanan, Dr. K.S.Jeya chandran, "Comparison between Wireless Mesh and Adhoc Network in Cross Layer intend Approach," SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering , vol. 3,  no. 1, pp. 9-12, 2016. Crossref,


In technology can explain Wi-Fi marketing 802.11 becomes a worldwide solution for wireless connectivity. A wireless network is that in which the performance of a network depends on the layering configuration of protocol. A wireless network is several types like Ad-hoc, cellular and mesh network. A mesh is used to optimize performance in better way as compare to traditional approach. A network can be optimized using two different ways. Physical and mac layer are used for achievement. Physical layer consist of communication channel like TDMA, CDMA, OFDM, MIMO-OFDM etc every layer is designed autonomously and contains full intelligibility. A proportional study shows the best way of present knowledge in wireless network. Many algorithms are designed for QoS (Quality of services) in the wireless network. In this paper compare and explain about both mesh and ad-hoc network to explain the advantages & disadvantages of their functionality on the basis of cross layer intend approach.


ad-hoc, mesh, QoS, cross layer, ofdm, Wi- Fi.


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