Mobile Application Based on Swach Bharat

International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering |
© 2018 by SSRG - IJCSE Journal |
Volume 5 Issue 6 |
Year of Publication : 2018 |
Authors : T.Suba Natchiar, P.Pavatharani, K.Anitha, S.Kavitha |
How to Cite?
T.Suba Natchiar, P.Pavatharani, K.Anitha, S.Kavitha, "Mobile Application Based on Swach Bharat," SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering , vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 25-27, 2018. Crossref,
People got much bonded to mobile phones, specifically smart phones which became a part of their daily life. Smart phones provide access for apps which make things much easier. People respond better if there are easy means to report a problem rather than getting irritated by the traditional methods. Our main aim is to make the reporting of problem to the Municipal corporation much easier. User report a problem like garbage disposal, drainage overflow, pothole on the road, drainage blocked. The concerned authorities to get to know about the problem and thus process and resolve them. The municipality to know the exact location of the problem. The users to receive an acknowledgement after the reported problem get resolved. People posting and getting updated about the ongoing events.
Android, Clean India
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