Digital Signature Verification with Etoken Based Authentication in Local Area Network

International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering |
© 2018 by SSRG - IJCSE Journal |
Volume 5 Issue 8 |
Year of Publication : 2018 |
Authors : Ms.P.Abinaya, M.Mariselvi, M.Veeralakshmi, A.Shanthi, M.Nandhinishree |
How to Cite?
Ms.P.Abinaya, M.Mariselvi, M.Veeralakshmi, A.Shanthi, M.Nandhinishree, "Digital Signature Verification with Etoken Based Authentication in Local Area Network," SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering , vol. 5, no. 8, pp. 19-22, 2018. Crossref,
In this paper, we are proposing the automatic generation of digital signatures by using the newly developed digital signature algorithm BS-PDSS(Probabilistic Digital Signature Scheme) in the templates like Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint with the additional security as the E-Token based authentication. This BS-PDSS algorithm will make use of two dissimilar crypto-graphic assumptions as Integer Factorization (IF) and Discrete Logarithm (DL). Nowadays security is the more important in areas like army and navy and other defence applications. So we are proposing this project for highly secure local area networks like Army, Navy and other defense application. Although there are more file formats are used, Microsoft products are most often used one. So we are proposing this concept on Microsoft products like word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Within that local area network, the creator and the reader of the document must be authenticated, using the highly secure authentication. Although they are using the secure authentication, there is no automatic generation of the digital signature, whenever they are creating any document. So we are proposing the automatic generation of the digital signature in the above products.Although there is an option for explicitly signing the documents, nobody is using that nowadays. So we must have the constraint that, everybody must sign their documents with their digital certificates while creating the document itself. So we are using the authentication for both the creator and the reader of the document so that no other can read the documents except the authenticated users. Although we have system login-based authentication, If the user leaves the system as it is after login, then anybody can use your system for making any malfunction. So we are proposing this “E-Token based two-factor authentication”. This will prompt the user to authenticate for two times. One is whenever they are using the system. Next whenever they are trying to create a new document.
Digital Signature, Integer Factorization Problem, Discrete Logarithm problem, Forgery, Etoken, PDSS
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