Impact Of Social Network Analysis In E-Learning

International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering
© 2019 by SSRG - IJCSE Journal
Volume 6 Issue 8
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors : Suman Sharma, Yogesh Verma

How to Cite?

Suman Sharma, Yogesh Verma, "Impact Of Social Network Analysis In E-Learning," SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering , vol. 6,  no. 8, pp. 1-6, 2019. Crossref,


E-learning occupies an increasingly prominent place in education. It provides the learner with a rich virtual network where he or she can exchange ideas and information and create synergies through interactions with other members of the network, whether fellow learners or teachers. Social network analysis (SNA) has proven extremely powerful at describing and analysing network behaviours in business, economics and medicine, but its application to e-learning has been relatively limited. This thesis presents a case study on analyzing students’ participation level within modules from a Learning Management System (LMS) by inspecting the discussion forums . It studies levels of participation of students as well as the patterns of interactions formed by students, teachers, and tutors. These are investigated from a Social Network Analysis (SNA) viewpoint .This systematic review of the literature on SNA in e-learning aimed to assess the evidence for using SNA as a way to understand and improve e-learning systems. Most of the courses by higher learning institutions use LMSs. LMSs provide a number of communication services such as discussion forums, wikis, messages, and chats. These can enhance the interactive social nature of learning by communication and collaboration between students.


SNA ,E-learning SNA measures for E-Learning.


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